Saturday, December 28, 2024

Economic Inequality Matters

No matter which party controls Congress or the Presidency or how well the economy is doing by other measures economic inequality is a problem. While income inequality is inevitable and necessary in a free and prosperous society, current levels are extreme. Consider the gaps between the well off and everybody else. The group Open Markets notes: 

The Economic Policy Institute breaks this down as follows:

Meanwhile work no longer pays for shelter at least not the poorest among us to. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities pointed out in 2022 that 9.4 million households spent more than half their income on rent or lived in substandard housing to avoid doing so. 

What's going on ? Many experts and observers will point to differences in education, skills, and jobs in the marketplace. A systems analyst at a technology firm is going to do better than shipping clerk in warehouse or a retail service worker.  

The economy has changed in extraordinary ways in the last forty years. Manufacturing and mining especially oil, gas, and coal produced millions of high wage jobs. The shift to a service and finally information technology economy produces fewer
and paid less. Furthermore the use of computers, the internet, and now artificial intelligence mean less human labor is needed while work is often temporary and without benefits. 

But none of this is natural or normal. Wealthy owners and investors with support from politicians in both parties shifted factory jobs overseas to countries with lower paid non-union labor and then reimported goods back to the United States. At the same companies built on technology like Amazon still rely on people to process online orders in huge fulfillment centers that don't pay fair or adequate wages. 

In fact wages have not kept pace with inflation over the last fifty years despite increasing worker productivity and ever growing corporate profits. Meanwhile the average CEO makes more than a hundred times what the average hourly worker is paid. We have also greatly reduced taxes on the wealthy, corporations, and made it more difficult to organize labor unions.

Extreme inequality makes it impossible to improve or maintain your living standards no matter how hard you work or try to save. For many people retirement, a health crisis, being single, widowed, or divorced makes them less economically secure.

Secondly, our government and elected officials have become more responsive to the rich and big business at the expensive of working people. This is undemocratic because a minority instead of the majority rules. Think about how the public well-being is harmed. Taxes, regulations, and social spending that benefit everybody are cut to ensure monied interests have more. And it doesn't matter if this isn't what most voters want.

Inequality and the resulting insecurity sharpens conflicts around race, immigration, and LGBTQ Rights. If People aren't fighting over these things then they are isolated, cut off, from neighbors or collective pursuits. People don't join clubs anymore or go to parks. The simple fact is economic anxiety and lack of security breed alienation. 

Individual freedom depends on a certain level of material well-being so Liberals should support political reforms that reduce extreme inequality and ensure a free and prosperous society for all.

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Economic Inequality Matters

No matter which party controls Congress or the Presidency or how well the economy is doing by other measures economic inequality is a proble...